1.   In too many cases the draughtsman finds it quicker to design a new part than to search through hundreds of drawings for one that fits his task.

2.   Edward Carrington had a heavy certainty that the lightness was more genuine on her part than on his.

3.   And the wrinkle-free, permanent-press finish may emit formaldehyde fumes more often associated with body parts than babies.

4.   And the wrinkle-free, permanent-press finish may emit formaldehyde fumesaidften associated with body parts than babies.

5.   As Pearce pointed out this week, GM still produces a higher proportion of its own parts than Ford or the Chrysler Corp.

6.   As workers sift through the rubble, they are finding more body parts than bodies.

7.   GM makes more of its own parts than either Ford or Chrysler, but it believes that increased outsourcing is vital to its competitiveness.

8.   His concern was less for individual parts than for a delicate overall indeterminacy.

9.   Later, he searched for someone to help, but there seemed to be more body parts than bodies.

n. + than >>共 1788
better 1.51%
money 1.37%
rate 1.04%
time 0.97%
year 0.80%
game 0.73%
people 0.71%
worse 0.64%
problem 0.56%
harm 0.52%
part 0.05%
part + p. >>共 62
in 71.86%
for 6.48%
to 4.20%
from 3.13%
by 1.86%
about 1.68%
on 1.64%
with 1.47%
because_of 1.41%
as 1.22%
than 0.22%
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