1.   The plaintiff was unlawfully charged for making extracts from a parish register, and was held entitled to recover back the payments.

2.   This also explains why there is no record of the burials in the parish register.

3.   It ought to be said that this particular extract poses more difficulties than the normal run of parish registers.

4.   Parish registers are the best example of records that were first kept during the Tudor era and which are now invaluable sources for the genealogist.

5.   Wherever possible, they should be used in conjunction with parish registers and other sources.

6.   The information contained in the will prompts a search of the Silkstone parish registers and a visit to the church to look for tombstones.

n. + register >>共 85
parish 10.98%
hotel 4.27%
guest 3.66%
share 3.66%
floor 3.05%
check 3.05%
checkbook 2.44%
birth 2.44%
voter 2.44%
land 1.83%
parish + n. >>共 123
priest 26.26%
council 11.83%
church 11.40%
hall 3.61%
register 2.60%
councillor 2.45%
work 2.31%
house 2.02%
visit 1.59%
school 1.44%
每页显示:    共 18