1.   The ultimate goal of SPRED is the integration of handicapped people into their local parish community.

2.   I work in a Programme called SPRED -- Special Religious Education -- which reaches out and welcomes handicapped children and adults into the life of the parish community.

3.   The sine qua non, the absolute requirement, is the opportunity to belong to a community of believers and this is the reality of the parish community.

4.   Parish Chairperson -- one of the helper catechists who undertakes to be the link with the clergy and the parish community.

5.   SPRED is a programme that reaches out and welcomes mentally handicapped children, adolescents, young adults, and adults into the local parish community.

6.   And they are still the center of many parish communities.

n. + community >>共 608
business 21.44%
minority 6.63%
world 5.57%
retirement 4.34%
intelligence 3.55%
exile 2.97%
immigrant 2.63%
investment 2.24%
bedroom 2.17%
art 2.12%
parish 0.14%
parish + n. >>共 123
priest 26.26%
council 11.83%
church 11.40%
hall 3.61%
register 2.60%
councillor 2.45%
work 2.31%
house 2.02%
visit 1.59%
school 1.44%
community 0.87%
每页显示:    共 6