1.   Also lurking near the surface are long-standing disputes with Communist pariah states Cuba and North Korea.

2.   Alternatively, the Americans could declare Pakistan a sponsor of terrorism and help make it a pariah state avoided by foreign investors and international donors.

3.   Back then, it was a pariah state, ruled by an indicted war criminal.

4.   But there will undoubtedly be similar confrontations until Iraq feels it is no longer considered a pariah state.

5.   During the decades of apartheid, African states provided funding and sanctuary for liberation groups, and helped make the apartheid government a pariah state.

6.   Fears are growing in the West that economic pressure could force former Eastern Bloc countries into the arms of pariah states as weapons suppliers.

7.   For the United States, Sudan is a pariah state in the same league as Iraq, North Korea, and Afghanistan.

8.   For a place that branded Israel a pariah state not two decades ago, this is no small gesture.

9.   If she is not freed to return home, the United States should treat Peru as a pariah state.

10.   If the West is truly concerned about pariah states exporting terrorism, it should get behind microcredit and support it with more than just lip service.

n. + state >>共 718
member 33.02%
battleground 5.30%
island 5.26%
rogue 3.53%
swing 2.99%
one-party 2.00%
pariah 1.17%
border 1.13%
year 1.11%
city 1.11%
pariah + n. >>共 15
state 50.00%
status 26.72%
nation 7.76%
class 2.59%
country 2.59%
government 1.72%
image 1.72%
carrier 0.86%
category 0.86%
colleague 0.86%
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