1.   The aim of the tv campaign is to get parents to wonder what their children are doing.

2.   Although vaccination rates have never been higher, some parents wonder whether inoculations do more harm than good.

3.   And how many parents have wondered what they could have done differently so that their child had told them when they were in pain?

4.   A nagging guilt drives Al-Attar to volunteer every night at a center for the missing, where other parents like him are still wondering about their children.

5.   Every parent wonders about how to handle these things.

6.   In the aftermath of Littleton, many parents are wondering aloud whether private school or home schooling is the answer.

7.   Many parents are wondering what they are getting for their education dollar.

8.   Meanwhile, the New York Times says that wealthy parents are wondering how to bring up their children.

9.   Noncustodial parents wonder whether judges will eventually substitute visits via the Web for face-to-face visits.

10.   Other parents have wondered about the nuclear power plant.

n. + wonder >>共 470
people 12.44%
analyst 6.77%
expert 3.88%
investor 3.53%
observer 3.14%
critic 2.94%
fan 2.34%
official 2.34%
player 2.24%
resident 1.69%
parent 1.10%
parent + v. >>共 747
be 16.04%
have 4.24%
say 3.66%
want 1.88%
do 1.67%
take 1.48%
need 1.31%
use 1.20%
know 1.20%
make 1.19%
wonder 0.15%
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