1.   Using the parent body as a means of raising additional finance.

2.   Butler Derrick, a member of the Department of Energy Advisory Board, the parent body of the panel issuing the report Wednesday, called the proposal unrealistic.

3.   For many years Said was a member of the Palestine National Council, the parent body of the PLO.

4.   The assassin, Nathuram Godse, was believed to be a member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, which is the parent body of the BJP.

5.   The United States was elected by acclamation at a meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, the parent body of the Geneva-based commission.

6.   The focal point of the protests is an education forum called by Education Minister Letizia Moratti to discuss the planned reform with teachers, student groups and parent bodies.

n. + body >>共 450
world 27.30%
student 10.75%
government 6.38%
trade 5.77%
soccer 3.29%
sport 2.05%
watchdog 1.82%
policy-making 1.53%
security 1.34%
industry 1.17%
parent 0.20%
parent + n. >>共 355
group 8.01%
bank 3.95%
organization 3.85%
firm 3.63%
club 2.56%
agency 2.35%
family 2.24%
union 1.92%
plant 1.92%
involvement 1.82%
body 0.64%
每页显示:    共 6