1.   Parents appreciate genuine interest, concern and lavish thanks.

2.   He had brought a bottle of French wine, something he did not know my parents could not appreciate.

3.   And there are often subtle moral lessons running through the books that parents can appreciate.

4.   He said his pupils enjoy the Internet and their parents appreciate their computer communications.

5.   Most young parents will appreciate a few hours of your time so they can have dinner, see a movie or visit friends.

6.   Parents appreciate the counseling that many schools provide to help with jobs, health care and naturalization, a prominent feature of the New York plan.

7.   Parents will appreciate that the film relies less on violence than most such films, and more on the kids outsmarting the evildoers.

8.   She touts the safe learning environment that parents appreciate.

9.   The moral is unclear, and some parents might not appreciate a story that appears to sanction rebellion.

10.   With infertility plaguing a generation, wannabe parents may not appreciate inquiring minds.

n. + appreciate >>共 338
people 8.55%
fan 5.59%
currency 2.63%
player 2.52%
dollar 2.41%
child 1.97%
reader 1.32%
yen 1.21%
voter 1.21%
visitor 1.10%
parent 1.10%
parent + v. >>共 747
be 16.04%
have 4.24%
say 3.66%
want 1.88%
do 1.67%
take 1.48%
need 1.31%
use 1.20%
know 1.20%
make 1.19%
appreciate 0.07%
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