1.   Maybe there have been better third shots into par fours, but not for Roberts.

2.   A disappointed Faldo then got into the groove with three straight par fours and a par three to lie one over after five holes.

3.   But a relaxed-looking Faldo worked himself back into the groove with three straight par fours and a par three to lie one over after five holes.

4.   Faldo then got into the groove with three straight par fours and a par three to lie one over after five holes.

5.   There are some long par fours.

6.   There are also no driveable par fours here.

7.   There are a lot of short par fours as well as all the fives being in range.

8.   This is the first time I have signed a card with two eagles at par fours on my card but I never really found my rhythm.

n. + four >>共 28
year 38.01%
hour 8.19%
season 6.43%
day 5.85%
month 5.85%
petits 5.85%
minute 4.68%
par 4.68%
inning 2.92%
time 2.92%
par + n. >>共 52
putt 50.25%
bond 4.93%
four 3.94%
golf 2.96%
hole 2.96%
yield 2.96%
curve 2.46%
performance 1.97%
excellence 1.97%
save 1.97%
每页显示:    共 8