1.   Also, a state Senate panel will hold a public forum downtown that would exempt houses of worship from the California Environmental Quality Act.

2.   And Congress gets into the act Wednesday, when two Senate panels hold hearings on the memos.

3.   A California Senate panel held hearings today, during which lawmakers heard testimony from some of the workers found at the El Monte sweatshop.

4.   A month after Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell declared the bill dead, a House panel is holding a hearing on Animas La Plata Lite.

5.   A Senate panel held hearings from members of the U.S. industry and Clinton administration officials on whether foreign countries are illegally dumping cheap steel on the American market.

6.   A Senate panel holds a hearing on the militia movement.

7.   A U.S. congressional panel holds a similar hearing in Brownsville.

8.   But Groscost and Senate President Brenda Burns insisted that the panel would hold hearings only on regulation of outpatient clinic staff and operations.

9.   But the panel also held liable another social worker, Patricia Layo, who had been on the job only three days, and their supervisor, Stephanie Clark.

10.   Clinton will meet with commission members at the White House on Thursday, a day before the bipartisan panel holds its first session.

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panel + v. >>共 650
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