1.   The content of platelet activating factor in pancreatic tissue was determined using bioassay technique with washed rabbit platelets as described previously.

2.   DNA flow cytometry showed a significantly higher rato of tetraploid to diploid nuclei in pancreatic tissue after fundectomy than after sham operation.

3.   Treatment with cyclosporin A in the doses used did not inhibit eicosanoid formation by the pancreatic tissue ex vivo.

4.   Validation experiments have acertained that standard prostanoids added to aliquots of pancreatic tissue media are recovered quantitatively.

5.   Furthermore, thin layer chromatography has shown that the immunoreactivity released into pancreatic tissue incubation media cochromatographs exclusively with the corresponding standard prostanoids.

6.   Later, Schmidt and Creutzfeldt found increased concentrations of lysophosphatidylcholine in necrotic pancreatic tissue in acute pancreatitis.

7.   Embryonic stem cells have the potential to become any cell or tissue in the body, such as heart muscle, pancreatic tissue, brain or bone marrow cells.

8.   Previously, human diabetics had to inject themselves with insulin derived from the pancreatic tissue of pigs.

9.   New Zealand company Diatranz Limited had approached the Cook Islands government to begin trails on the diabetes treatment, in which pig pancreatic tissue is transplanted into humans.

a. + tissue >>共 430
soft 6.98%
human 5.87%
fetal 5.44%
healthy 3.52%
surrounding 3.09%
new 2.41%
fatty 2.35%
normal 2.22%
dead 1.85%
ovarian 1.67%
pancreatic 0.62%
pancreatic + n. >>共 58
cancer 51.53%
enzyme 4.24%
secretion 4.00%
cell 3.53%
lysosome 3.29%
tissue 2.35%
duct 2.12%
tumor 1.88%
function 1.88%
pseudocyst 1.88%
每页显示:    共 10