1.   Pancreatic polypeptide secretion was determined as an indirect measure of cholinergic tone.

2.   This was accomplished indirectly by measuring pancreatic polypeptide secretion, which is known to be dependent on cholinergic tone and reduced during hyperglycaemia in healthy subjects.

3.   Many hormones have been implicated in the colonic response to food, including cholecystokinin, gastrin, motilin, neurotensin, pancreatic polypeptide, and PYY.

4.   Immunoreactivity with antibodies against gastrin, somatostatin, enteroglucagon, human pancreatic polypeptide, and peptide YY was studied using ABC technique.

5.   There is no significant cross reaction of this assay with the related peptides neuropeptide y or pancreatic polypeptide.

a. + polypeptide >>共 9
pancreatic 33.33%
intestinal 13.33%
vasoactive 13.33%
administered 6.67%
functional 6.67%
gastric 6.67%
human 6.67%
inhibitory 6.67%
nonviral 6.67%
pancreatic + n. >>共 58
cancer 51.53%
enzyme 4.24%
secretion 4.00%
cell 3.53%
lysosome 3.29%
tissue 2.35%
duct 2.12%
tumor 1.88%
function 1.88%
pseudocyst 1.88%
polypeptide 1.18%
每页显示:    共 5