1.   Boil down the pan liquid to reduce by half.

2.   Bring the pan liquid to a boil and whisk in remaining teaspoon of butter.

3.   Occasionally turn turkey, basting with pan liquids.

4.   Place cut side down in the saucepan, and place a clean cotton napkin over them in the pan liquid, to keep them submerged.

5.   Stir this mess into the pan liquids and stir-cook until the sauce thickens.

n. + liquid >>共 84
pan 4.46%
tamarind 4.46%
mussel 3.57%
pepper 2.68%
pineapple 2.68%
tomato 2.68%
inmate 1.79%
hair-growth 1.79%
bean 1.79%
herb 1.79%
pan + n. >>共 82
juice 31.89%
dripping 10.30%
sauce 9.63%
spray 7.64%
bottom 2.99%
side 1.99%
size 1.99%
liquid 1.66%
bagnat 1.33%
dulce 1.33%
每页显示:    共 5