1.   A dealer said interest in the cash market was confined on RBD palm oil and palm olein.

2.   In Johor Baru, there was a drop in the price of Labour Brand pure palm olein in the supermarkets.

3.   Interest was confined on RBD palm oil and palm olein.

4.   Interest was confined on CBD palm oil and palm olein.

5.   Interest was confined to RBD palmoil and RBD palm olein.

6.   Interests were confined to RBD palm oil and RBD palm olein, he added.

7.   The physical market saw strong demand in RBD palm olein, he added.

8.   The price of cooking oil also remained the same, with the best bargain of blended cooking oil and pure palm olein sold at Parkson Grand.

9.   The price of pure palm olein, remained unchanged.

palm + n. >>共 111
tree 57.19%
frond 10.50%
leaf 3.31%
print 3.20%
branch 2.40%
grove 1.83%
reader 1.37%
olein 1.03%
computer 1.03%
rest 1.03%
每页显示:    共 9