1.   And yet another pair of politicians said they would propose legislation to help clean up television programming.

2.   At the time, the pair said they were just friends, but with the standstill in negotiations with Slaughter, Williams made a change.

3.   However, a pair of sources said the contractual issues are small and a deal is imminent, though it will not be announced until next week.

4.   If their friends could get a taste of convention life, they would be similarly hooked, the pair said.

5.   Pair said he would try to increase the price of the stock, which he says is greatly undervalued.

6.   The designing pair also said the leather trend should remain through spring and into next fall.

7.   The Food and Drug Administration would likely fast-track clinical trials for such a drug because there is no treatment for pancreatic cancer, the pair said.

8.   The pair said the merger talks grew out of a brief, and unrelated, discussion several months ago about licensing.

9.   The pair said they want to settle all their claims ahead of time, just in case their marriage is dissolved.

10.   The pair say they left public television primarily because of restrictions on earning money through endorsements and outside appearances.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
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analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
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spokesman 3.05%
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expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
pair 0%
pair + v. >>共 675
be 15.31%
have 4.47%
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make 1.68%
say 1.60%
come 1.23%
take 1.23%
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