1.   The pairs eventually marry in a group ceremony and agree to share an apartment and spouses.

2.   The pair married and moved to a home in South Salem, N.Y.

3.   The pair married three years later.

4.   The pair married last year.

5.   Her publicist said the pair had married in private with immediate family attending the ceremony.

n. + marry >>共 227
couple 13.13%
woman 6.57%
mother 5.67%
daughter 5.22%
man 5.07%
priest 3.58%
people 3.28%
two 2.84%
son 2.39%
child 1.79%
pair 0.75%
pair + v. >>共 675
be 15.31%
have 4.47%
meet 2.38%
make 1.68%
say 1.60%
come 1.23%
take 1.23%
go 1.15%
win 1.01%
plan 0.93%
marry 0.19%
每页显示:    共 5