1.   One painter painted a famous picture of the fabulous spring, with wrinkled old women going in at one end and young beauties coming out at the other.

2.   A painter is never painting an actual color, only the illusion of it, which has to do with the relationship of colors in the picture.

3.   Or a painter painting?

4.   Painters would paint, musicians would play and symphonies and galleries would be around to showcase their work.

5.   The first speaker, Steinberg, pondered the way each painter painted fingers.

6.   The same painter painted the dining room fireplace to look like stone, and the wood floor to resemble tiles.

7.   Later, a painter will paint the statues.

n. + paint >>共 446
report 5.24%
artist 4.81%
official 2.46%
people 2.14%
worker 2.14%
prosecutor 1.60%
number 1.39%
man 1.18%
book 1.07%
child 1.07%
painter 0.75%
painter + v. >>共 168
be 14.25%
say 6.30%
have 3.84%
use 3.01%
do 2.47%
paint 1.92%
create 1.64%
put 1.64%
develop 1.37%
get 1.37%
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