1.   Always wear gloves when working with paint stripper.

2.   On Sunday night vandals threw paint stripper over the car.

3.   Chemical paint stripper is the second way to remove old finishes, but they may not remove a stain.

4.   I tried several commercial strippers and finally concluded the only thing that would work is paint stripper.

5.   I tried a heat gun, paint strippers, and other solvents with no success.

6.   Is there another seller of milk paint stripper?

7.   Most of these tiny particles come from household solvents that evaporate from paints, thinners, cleaning agents and paint strippers.

8.   Paint stripper is possible, but the nails will interfere with scraping.

9.   Paint strippers using a heat gun may have caused a spark in the steeple.

10.   To remove it safely, use a non-methylene chloride paint stripper.

n. + stripper >>共 16
paint 28.57%
wax 14.29%
chloride 8.57%
varnish 8.57%
methylene 5.71%
water-base 5.71%
background 2.86%
consistency 2.86%
cowgirl 2.86%
low-ph 2.86%
paint + n. >>共 253
job 13.05%
remover 5.89%
brush 5.79%
store 5.30%
chip 4.51%
shop 2.65%
company 2.65%
can 2.65%
color 1.86%
scheme 1.77%
stripper 0.98%
每页显示:    共 10