1.   At one point the removal of some offices revealed part of the ceiling painted to resemble an aquamarine sky.

2.   He painted the walls a warm mixture of gold and rust and complemented them with a caramel-colored floor painted to resemble rocks.

3.   His sneakers looked as if they had been painted to resemble stained glass but Chihuly said it was just drippings.

4.   It was also Wilson who turned Pinocchio, which is painted to resemble wood, into a chatterbox between takes.

5.   Jumbo jets painted to resemble blue whales?

6.   Many of the plates were painted to resemble female sex organs.

7.   The walls are painted to resemble mustard, ketchup, relish, etc., and the whirlpool is shaped like a coffee cup.

8.   The sherbet was scooped from a circular band of white chocolate painted to resemble a building with Moroccan architecture.

9.   The cover features a naked Rodman painted to resemble a tiger.

v. + resemble >>共 62
build 16.00%
paint 9.00%
create 4.00%
construct 3.00%
carve 3.00%
fashion 3.00%
cut 2.00%
disguise 2.00%
mold 2.00%
pass 2.00%
paint + v. >>共 50
look 30.77%
match 9.62%
resemble 8.65%
blend 1.92%
accord 1.92%
depict 1.92%
include 1.92%
raise 1.92%
represent 1.92%
capture 0.96%
每页显示:    共 9