1.   We got some paint remover and scrubbed it off.

2.   And in some other cases you can remove it carefully with a non-methylene chloride paint remover.

3.   And, if paint remover was used, it might ruin it.

4.   As always, use plenty of ventilation when working with paint thinner or paint remover.

5.   Before you try the paint remover, try sanding with a coarse paper attached to a heavy-duty power drill.

6.   A floor man suggested taking it off with chemical paint remover.

7.   A. Chemical paint remover will do it fast and safely.

8.   A. Use chemical paint remover, and use plenty of ventilation as you work with it.

9.   A. The man should remove the oil, probably with paint remover, and redo the oiling correctly.

10.   After using the paint remover, rinse with paint thinner to neutralize the remover.

n. + remover >>共 43
paint 42.25%
stain 6.34%
makeup 3.52%
nail-polish 3.52%
polish 3.52%
grease 2.11%
chloride 2.11%
hair 2.11%
varnish 2.11%
eye 1.41%
paint + n. >>共 253
job 13.05%
remover 5.89%
brush 5.79%
store 5.30%
chip 4.51%
shop 2.65%
company 2.65%
can 2.65%
color 1.86%
scheme 1.77%
每页显示:    共 60