1.   And it is true that the town prescribes only eight historic paint colors for doors.

2.   Bold paint colors or wallpaper patterns work better in small doses.

3.   -- Look for architectural details that can be accented with a paint color different from the rest of the house.

4.   Changing the paint color on a house and fence to downplay the structures and highlight the garden.

5.   Dogs are electronically monitored, architecture and lawns regulated, and even paint colors are stingily allotted.

6.   Even picking out a paint color can be time-consuming.

7.   Factories and stores often have machines that help workers match paint colors, for example.

8.   Further, plan to buy wallpaper and choose paint colors early on.

9.   He saw telling similarities in everything from the layering of paint colors to the shape of eyes.

10.   He treated fine gemstones as casually as paint box colors.

n. + color >>共 322
skin 16.82%
hair 11.94%
fall 5.05%
team 4.63%
eye 3.20%
school 2.52%
neon 1.85%
background 1.60%
change 1.60%
paint 1.60%
paint + n. >>共 253
job 13.05%
remover 5.89%
brush 5.79%
store 5.30%
chip 4.51%
shop 2.65%
company 2.65%
can 2.65%
color 1.86%
scheme 1.77%
每页显示:    共 19