1.   A brief discussion of how to control the page layout and how to avoid widow and orphan line is provided below.

2.   Its basic approach is to use frames to hold the various elements of a page layout.

3.   Lineup table a table with an illuminated top used for preparing and checking alignment of page layouts and paste-ups.

4.   No attempt is made to hyphenate, justify or show the final page layout.

5.   Try to be consistent about page layout within a Web site.

6.   She designed the page layout for the new magazine.

7.   Also, This story and graphic are being offered by CoxNet as a full page layout as part of the CoxNet repackaged pages offering.

8.   After that, all you need to look professional is a good sense of photography, graphic arts, page layout, typography and overall publication design.

9.   Budget lines include information about what paper originated a story and whether a story has a related photo, graphic or page layout.

10.   But she is shown in a black-and-white page layout wearing a sheer white ski suit.

n. + layout >>共 117
page 11.26%
store 6.06%
office 5.19%
fashion 3.03%
keyboard 3.03%
course 2.60%
photo 2.60%
road 2.16%
ballot 1.73%
newspaper 1.73%
page + n. >>共 195
editor 18.25%
news 5.94%
number 5.94%
layout 3.68%
story 3.25%
view 3.11%
article 2.55%
turner 2.12%
report 1.98%
ad 1.70%
每页显示:    共 26