1.   There was a packed public gallery as the charges were formally read out by the court clerk.

2.   The packed public gallery at Teesside Crown Court erupted in a roar of approval as the jury foreman announced that Mr Nichol was not guilty of attempted murder.

3.   Applause explodes from the packed gallery.

4.   Cast in the fine light of history, her testimony before a packed gallery at Bow Street Magistrates Court looks courageous.

5.   Democratic Gov. Ann Richards shuttled back and forth between both chambers, drawing standing ovations from the packed galleries in her last week in office.

6.   I could feel a stifled gasp from the packed gallery behind me, followed by complete silence.

7.   Onlookers in the packed congressional galleries clamored to show affection and pay homage to the man who led South Africa from the oppressive system of apartheid.

8.   Others waved jubilantly to the packed galleries above the chamber floor.

9.   The audience in the packed galleries included actress-comedian Whoopi Goldberg and actor Frank Langella.

a. + gallery >>共 408
public 12.03%
new 5.34%
large 3.19%
first 2.31%
huge 2.23%
packed 2.15%
commercial 2.07%
main 1.99%
small 1.91%
second 1.20%
packed + n. >>共 328
house 9.38%
courtroom 8.96%
stadium 3.10%
crowd 3.10%
bus 2.51%
lunch 2.35%
schedule 2.35%
gallery 2.26%
room 2.18%
snow 1.84%
每页显示:    共 27