1.   Fiction writers, however, want no part of the pack mentality.

2.   Its sign-off is being covered by nearly everyone in some form, thanks in part to the usual pack mentality of the TV and print media.

3.   Martelli blames some of it on a pack mentality.

4.   Others say a pack mentality reflected poorly on all the players.

5.   Some analysts believe there has been a pack mentality among film companies to create interactive groups.

6.   The pack mentality has taken over the independent scene.

7.   We women have always preferred the pack mentality.

n. + mentality >>共 216
siege 11.90%
bunker 6.58%
herd 5.82%
football 2.53%
pack 1.77%
victim 1.77%
war 1.52%
mob 1.52%
fortress 1.27%
survivalist 1.27%
pack + n. >>共 71
mule 8.73%
leader 7.14%
mentality 5.56%
horse 4.76%
member 3.97%
trip 3.97%
design 2.38%
midway 2.38%
size 2.38%
warning 1.59%
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