1.   Curious, I packed my gear, and set off.

2.   Dressing quickly in shorts and T-shirts, they packed the gear away in the tent and Jack parked the bike in the trees, out of sight.

3.   Driving in Mexico is indeed safer than in America, he maintains, if you just pack some gear.

4.   Devotees of Asian art already have their pilgrimage gear packed and Amtrak tickets reserved.

5.   Even on day-hikes in close-in, popular areas, you should pack survival gear.

6.   Four times he was invited to spring training and four times he packed his gear for Class-AAA Las Vegas when camp broke.

7.   Hamlin managed a smile as he packed his gear to leave the speedway.

8.   He used it to pack his gear.

9.   I packed my gear and headed down the Garden State Parkway for the historic kingfish grounds.

10.   Monty, like most of his teammates, made sure he got his football signed before he packed his gear and headed out the door.

v. + gear >>共 239
shift 16.18%
wear 8.25%
switch 6.78%
change 3.65%
fish 3.03%
use 2.71%
have 2.40%
pack 2.19%
make 1.36%
don 1.36%
pack + n. >>共 827
bag 13.13%
belonging 2.29%
place 1.84%
courtroom 1.77%
punch 1.74%
suitcase 1.70%
street 1.42%
car 1.39%
house 1.36%
wallop 1.25%
gear 0.73%
每页显示:    共 21