1.   In a nearby bush a defunct oxyacetylene cutter attracted the attention of a passing stoat.

2.   Poolice used oxyacetylene cutters on padlocks locking some of the protestors to the cage.

3.   Police used oxyacetylene cutters on padlocks locking five of the protestors to the cage.

a. + cutter >>共 77
biscuit 10.56%
metal 7.75%
veteran 4.23%
wood 2.82%
stone 2.82%
floured 2.82%
oxyacetylene 2.82%
nearby 2.11%
navy 2.11%
electric 2.11%
oxyacetylene + n. >>共 3
cutter 50.00%
torch 37.50%
flame 12.50%
每页显示:    共 4