1.   Clinton replied that he owns some televisions made in Japan, and that the United States is fighting protectionist sentiment to keep its markets open.

2.   He says he owns no television because the one he watches in his home was purchased by a company he runs.

3.   His father had owned an appliance shop, and he was one of the first in town to own a television.

4.   In Rwanda, almost no one reads newspapers or owns a television, and radio is king.

5.   Inside the homes, few families own televisions.

6.   Labalme, who has never owned a television, says he is in this for the long haul.

7.   Someone who owns a television is free to sell it for cash at any time, or to give it to the kids.

8.   Those lucky enough to own a television use car batteries to power them.

9.   What is certain is that whether you want it or not, eventually the television you own will have one.

10.   Yet he does makes much of not owning a television, except for one little one recently discovered on the third floor of his house.

v. + television >>共 403
watch 36.81%
tell 4.37%
report 3.56%
say 3.39%
have 3.10%
use 2.76%
turn 1.31%
make 1.27%
include 1.02%
do 1.02%
own 0.72%
own + n. >>共 1212
stock 3.98%
share 3.97%
home 3.47%
land 3.46%
company 3.14%
property 3.12%
stake 2.49%
house 2.12%
team 2.05%
car 2.04%
television 0.19%
每页显示:    共 17