1.   A relator owes no duty to the public to initiate any law enforcement action.

2.   A tenant owes a duty to the landlord to keep the house in reasonable condition.

3.   But to whom does he owe his duties?

4.   Directors are usually agents of the company, and owe it duties both of a fiduciary nature and of care and skill.

5.   Does a director, as an insider, owe fiduciary duties to his shareholders?

6.   For example, one May owe the duty to the just government of foreign countries.

7.   Primafacie, a creditor does not owe a duty to a proposed surety to explain the security documents.

8.   The second question was whether the licensing authority, which licenses medicinal products, owes a duty of care to individuals.

v. + duty >>共 412
have 12.52%
do 10.84%
perform 7.38%
resume 3.99%
handle 3.96%
impose 3.79%
assume 2.95%
share 2.65%
pay 2.11%
fulfill 2.01%
owe 1.38%
owe + n. >>共 296
money 17.19%
tax 8.70%
debt 6.36%
lot 3.89%
allegiance 2.97%
life 2.97%
duty 2.90%
existence 2.69%
million 2.69%
success 2.33%
每页显示:    共 41