1.   It came to my attention that Jenny was claiming overtime pay for hours she had not worked.

2.   The newsletter explains issues such as overtime pay, fair housing laws and employee handbooks.

3.   The salary figure does not include overtime pay.

4.   Would you add in overtime pay when listing your annual salary?

5.   They receive no overtime pay, nor do they get any holiday money or sickness benefit.

6.   Also on the table are benefits for union workers, overtime pay, and the survival of the District of Columbia Law School.

7.   Although Congress voted to work by the same labor laws it imposes on businesses, implementing overtime pay has been more difficult than expected.

8.   Among the amendments are a huge tax break and a series of antilabor items that include the elimination of overtime pay for millions of workers in certain job categories.

9.   Am I entitled to overtime pay?

n. + pay >>共 276
overtime 16.74%
price 3.85%
retirement 3.41%
consumer 3.41%
teacher 3.41%
vacation 2.97%
incentive 1.98%
disability 1.98%
company 1.87%
unemployment 1.54%
overtime + n. >>共 132
pay 16.58%
game 10.03%
loss 7.09%
hour 6.22%
victory 6.11%
period 5.78%
work 5.34%
cost 3.16%
win 3.05%
goal 2.62%
每页显示:    共 151