1.   Many other countries with overlapping territorial claims manage them without military confrontation.

2.   Tensions have been fueled by overlapping claims to offshore areas believed to sit atop as-yet untapped oil reserves.

3.   Other forums backed by ASEAN are tackling issues including the overlapping territorial claims to the South China Sea islands.

4.   A Foreign Ministry official has said the priority is to seek an equitable solution to the overlapping claims through international law and jurisprudence.

5.   Because of the overlapping claims, the sea area offers potential for both conflict and cooperation.

6.   Britain, Argentina and Chile have overlapping claims on the Peninsula.

7.   China and Vietnam have overlapping claims to vast stretches of the South China Sea.

8.   China and Vietnam have overlapping claims to vast stretches of the South China Sea, believed to be rich in oil and gas deposits.

9.   Code-named Major Adex, the exercise is taking place over the South China Sea, an area of overlapping territorial claims.

10.   He admitted that the overlapping claims of the South China Sea carried seeds of conflict in the future, involving four ASEAN members, China and Chinese Taipei.

a. + claim >>共 999
immediate 5.77%
jobless 4.70%
insurance 3.19%
new 2.78%
false 2.62%
territorial 2.54%
conflicting 2.41%
similar 2.16%
legal 2.08%
initial 1.76%
overlapping 0.69%
overlapping + n. >>共 234
claim 8.64%
operation 6.91%
branch 2.69%
business 2.30%
function 2.11%
job 1.92%
responsibility 1.92%
jurisdiction 1.92%
activity 1.34%
product 1.34%
每页显示:    共 45