1.   But is there any real evidence that such zodiacs are anything more than the product of an overactive imagination?

2.   Some of the children have an overactive imagination.

3.   Such fears are nothing more than the product of an overactive imagination.

4.   These stories are the product of an overactive imagination.

5.   Are they products of an overactive imagination, or the just aftermath of a plate full of funny mushrooms?

6.   Any other similarity between the NHL All-Star Game and the Olympic Games next week is the result of an overactive imagination.

7.   Aviophobes are also cursed with an overactive imagination.

8.   Do you have a real problem or just an overactive imagination?

9.   Fleeing to London for an undemanding job at a travel service, she put her overactive imagination to work writing fiction at night.

10.   He says that reports of strife between him and his general manager are figments of overactive journalistic imaginations.

a. + imagination >>共 230
popular 8.42%
public 7.64%
vivid 5.62%
human 5.30%
american 3.90%
fertile 2.96%
collective 2.50%
overactive 2.50%
national 2.18%
active 1.87%
overactive + n. >>共 17
imagination 31.37%
thyroid 19.61%
bladder 17.65%
cell 3.92%
libido 3.92%
area 1.96%
cerebrum 1.96%
circuit 1.96%
condition 1.96%
detrusor 1.96%
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