1.   Earlier research has shown a connection between premature ovarian failure and bone loss that can lead to osteoporosis.

2.   In most cases, irregular periods do not mean a woman has premature ovarian failure.

3.   Most women with the syndrome also experience ovarian failure, which results in infertility and incomplete sexual development.

4.   Nelson has spent two decades trying to solve the puzzle of premature ovarian failure.

5.   The cause of the premature ovarian failure remains uncertain.

6.   The report was prepared by researchers for the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and it focused on women with premature ovarian failure.

7.   After taking a blood test, the doctor said that I have premature ovarian failure and both my ovaries are not working.

a. + failure >>共 628
mechanical 11.21%
liver 6.41%
respiratory 4.50%
renal 3.10%
corporate 2.44%
recent 2.09%
technical 1.79%
complete 1.64%
past 1.61%
total 1.40%
ovarian 0.21%
ovarian + n. >>共 22
cancer 75.40%
tissue 6.09%
cyst 5.19%
function 3.39%
tumor 2.71%
failure 1.58%
hormone 1.13%
cell 0.90%
follicle 0.45%
hyperstimulation 0.45%
每页显示:    共 7