1.   Analysts and longtime Cheney friends said any negatives are far outweighed by the positives.

2.   But for many, the benefits outweigh the negatives.

3.   But he also believes the positives outweigh potential negatives.

4.   But he insists that the positive responses have far outweighed the negative.

5.   But the long-term gains outweigh the negatives.

6.   But the positives far outweighed the negatives, then and now.

7.   But the advantages of a higher savings rate outweigh the negatives.

8.   Even those who rose and fell with the Internet economy say that pluses outweigh the negatives.

9.   On balance, those benefits will far outweigh the negatives.

10.   On Tuesday night the Knicks had their good stretches and bad stretches, but the positive outweighed the negative.

v. + negative >>共 115
have 7.03%
outweigh 7.03%
turn 6.64%
test 5.47%
prove 4.69%
accentuate 3.52%
emphasize 3.13%
use 2.73%
take 1.95%
keep 1.56%
outweigh + n. >>共 273
risk 12.69%
benefit 8.64%
concern 5.33%
disadvantage 4.05%
cost 3.94%
drawback 2.45%
gain 2.35%
bad 2.13%
negative 1.92%
loss 1.92%
每页显示:    共 18