1.   He wonders if the evil in the world might outweigh the good.

2.   In the short term the bad will outweigh the good, Nash and others said.

3.   Pretty soon, the bad would outweigh the good, and he would be gone.

4.   The bad news outweighs the good.

5.   But the bad news outweighs the good.

v. + good >>共 182
do 50.58%
have 6.83%
take 2.66%
see 2.55%
find 1.16%
get 1.16%
bring 1.04%
produce 0.93%
serve 0.93%
pretty 0.81%
outweigh 0.58%
outweigh + n. >>共 273
risk 12.69%
benefit 8.64%
concern 5.33%
disadvantage 4.05%
cost 3.94%
drawback 2.45%
gain 2.35%
bad 2.13%
negative 1.92%
loss 1.92%
good 0.53%
每页显示:    共 5