1.   His outsider image, to start with, is phony.

2.   Presidential aides do not see the strapping, idiosyncratic attorney general, who relishes her outsider image, as one of their own.

3.   That might take the government outsider image a little too far.

n. + image >>共 618
television 12.65%
satellite 7.68%
brand 3.96%
computer 3.19%
screen 2.90%
medium 2.66%
color 1.83%
radar 1.54%
cartoon 0.95%
movie 0.83%
outsider 0.24%
outsider + n. >>共 69
art 20.27%
status 18.92%
artist 6.08%
image 2.70%
stance 2.03%
credentials 1.35%
appeal 1.35%
candidate 1.35%
committee 1.35%
bit 1.35%
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