1.   Heads responded to advisory views of good practice in different ways, ranging from unthinking conformity to outright rejection.

2.   The response of the audience varied from outright rejection to warm hospitality.

3.   They are never outright rejections, but rather excuses for not purchasing now.

4.   Along the way there are the discouragements of unkind criticism, outright rejection, nagging insecurity and intermittent insolvency.

5.   Another plus for Bush is that with Republicans still controlling the House and Senate, he can continue to push his agenda with little fear of outright rejection.

6.   But the restructure seemed likely to be greeted with skepticism by Palestinians, suspicion by the Americans and outright rejection by the Israelis.

7.   But the restructuring seemed likely to be greeted with skepticism by Palestinians, suspicion by the Americans and outright rejection by the Israelis.

8.   Nonetheless, pressure is increasing on the prime minister within his party to at least soften his outright rejection of deficit spending.

9.   That strategy was far preferable to outright rejection of the agreement.

10.   Unless bioprospectors can offer tangible benefits, their projects risk political opposition, community unrest and outright rejection.

a. + rejection >>共 223
outright 4.90%
initial 3.56%
immune 2.45%
recent 2.23%
public 2.23%
earlier 2.00%
immediate 1.78%
second 1.78%
clear 1.56%
total 1.56%
outright + n. >>共 522
independence 7.00%
majority 6.24%
ban 5.64%
victory 4.61%
sale 3.20%
purchase 2.06%
hostility 1.90%
fraud 1.79%
winner 1.74%
lie 1.47%
rejection 1.19%
每页显示:    共 22