1.   Their fears are unlikely to have been eased by the outright grant of office in Monmouth to Buckingham, which dispossessed the holder, John Mortimer.

2.   At a news conference here, Chairman George Morgenstern said other countries have similar packages offering things like job training and tax abatements as well as outright grants.

3.   Governors Whitman and Edgar said the rainy day fund should provide outright grants, not loans.

4.   It can also dispense Government money in the form of low-interest loans, outright grants or more complicated financing plans involving the sale of stocks.

5.   Restricted stock awards, outright grants of stock that vest over several years, are counted as expenses to companies that issue them to executives.

6.   The various support programs, from outright USOC grants to favorable part-time working arrangements with sponsors such as Home Depot, allowed the U.S. to field a veteran team.

7.   U.S. officials are considering a number of ways to help, including soft loans and outright grants of food.

8.   But it amounts to an outright grant.

9.   Discussions included reviewing a U.S. call to increase the number of outright grants supplied by the World Bank to the poorest countries instead of loans that must be repaid.

10.   He said the help included outright grants, allowances for disabled workers, financial aid to children or old folk, and general welfare aid.

a. + grant >>共 276
federal 28.28%
state 3.61%
matching 3.11%
new 2.95%
small 2.54%
direct 1.80%
annual 1.64%
private 1.48%
first 1.48%
special 1.23%
outright 1.15%
outright + n. >>共 522
independence 7.00%
majority 6.24%
ban 5.64%
victory 4.61%
sale 3.20%
purchase 2.06%
hostility 1.90%
fraud 1.79%
winner 1.74%
lie 1.47%
grant 0.76%
每页显示:    共 14