1.   Molecules read the result of the reactions and generate output signals.

2.   Of course, eventually the samples reach the last capacitor in the chain, where they provide the output signal before being discarded.

3.   If high accuracy is needed, another iterative process will take care of the effect of the output signal on the input signal current and vice versa.

4.   Thus the output signals can be quite large without violating the approximate applicability of the second of the two h-parameter equations with constant parameters.

5.   Under this condition a spurious infinitesimal input signal quickly grows to create a substantial periodic output signal.

6.   This cycle of events continually repeats to create an essentially rectangular or square-wave output signal, the frequency of which is controlled by the time constant RC.

7.   The lower output signals slowing global consumption as cheaper alternatives, such as corn, become more widely available.

8.   The new chip incorporates a central processing unit and a memory device to transmit input and output signals and data among factory automation equipment.

n. + signal >>共 312
radio 17.40%
hand 7.32%
television 5.75%
satellite 5.43%
danger 3.39%
radar 2.91%
nerve 2.13%
pain 1.81%
stop 1.65%
telephone 1.65%
output 0.63%
output + n. >>共 136
cut 9.45%
figure 6.43%
capacity 5.86%
level 5.10%
datum 5.10%
growth 5.10%
quota 4.35%
price 3.02%
increase 2.65%
policy 2.08%
signal 1.51%
每页显示:    共 8