1.   The big differences are to be measured in terms of rates of growth of output and of levels of output per head.

2.   The strong structure we have put on our example allows us easily to derive prices and output per fIrm.

3.   In other words, the real wage rate equals output per worker minus real profits per worker.

4.   The employment creation associated with such expenditure can then be calculated using an estimate of output per head data for the whole economy.

5.   So most of the extra production represented an increase in output per worker.

6.   After all, a steady rise in output per employee is an essential enzyme for a strong economy.

7.   But all that gee-whiz technology and organizational change has yet to make a dent in the measured growth in output per hour of work.

8.   But for eastern Germany, where the output per worker is only half as much, the wage situation is catastrophic.

9.   Declining output per well and increased withdrawals from storage also will help boost prices, Linder said.

10.   Economists consider productivity, or the amount of output per hour worked or dollar of machinery used, to be the key to growth.

n. + per >>共 1072
earnings 8.73%
cost 2.75%
dollar 2.59%
time 2.30%
price 1.63%
mile 1.33%
output 1.12%
penny 1.09%
hour 1.04%
flight 0.93%
output + p. >>共 48
of 30.08%
in 17.82%
from 12.69%
at 6.81%
for 5.38%
to 5.29%
by 4.71%
per 3.53%
with 1.76%
as 1.60%
每页显示:    共 42