1.   Many master volume amps can give a fair simulation of flat out response at reasonable output levels by overloading the preamp.

2.   Moreover in the present context apart from factor rewards, output levels per firm in the manufacturing sector are also equalized.

3.   It called for a strengthening of trade associations after the war, with statutory power to fix prices and output levels.

4.   Equilibrium occurs when the aggregate planned demand from all sectors of the economy matches the output level of the economy, so that all plans are fulfilled.

5.   The benefits of reaping economies of scale depend upon how far costs fall as output levels are increased.

6.   Generally, this is a period of rising consumer demand, rising investment demand, expanding output levels and a falling rate of unemployment.

7.   Among the major tin producers only two, Peru and Indonesia, have forecast higher output levels.

8.   But most producers are extremely reluctant to trim back their current output levels because prices are low.

n. + level >>共 1503
cholesterol 2.82%
income 2.35%
price 1.98%
grade 1.80%
skill 1.66%
comfort 1.50%
production 1.46%
pollution 1.43%
blood 1.41%
radiation 1.39%
output 0.27%
output + n. >>共 136
cut 9.45%
figure 6.43%
capacity 5.86%
level 5.10%
datum 5.10%
growth 5.10%
quota 4.35%
price 3.02%
increase 2.65%
policy 2.08%
每页显示:    共 27