1.   Covert sensitization requires no special equipment, involves minimal risk to patients, and can easily be conducted on an outpatient basis.

2.   If you are doing covert sensitization on an outpatient basis, your client could be consuming alcohol prior to treatment.

3.   Medicare also would reduce co-payments for services received at hospitals and clinics on an outpatient basis.

4.   The procedure was carried out on an outpatient basis without analgesics or sedatives.

5.   The procedure was on an outpatient basis without administration of analgesic or sedative medication.

6.   These completely non-invasive techniques have the advantage of being carried out on an outpatient basis but the treatment may take up to two years.

7.   Whenever possible treatments were performed on an outpatient basis.

8.   Whenever possible laser and radiotherapy were performed on an outpatient basis although many patients came from long distances so radiotherapy had to be given as an inpatient.

n. + basis >>共 353
cost 8.76%
trial 6.45%
first-name 5.97%
contract 4.33%
outpatient 4.14%
project 2.79%
cash 2.02%
test 1.73%
pay-per-view 1.15%
first-serve 1.06%
outpatient + n. >>共 74
clinic 17.75%
treatment 12.14%
service 9.60%
basis 7.79%
care 7.43%
procedure 5.80%
department 4.53%
surgery 3.80%
program 3.08%
therapy 2.72%
每页显示:    共 43