1.   Attorney General Janet Reno has warned that physicians who recommend marijuana could be prosecuted under the federal law that outlaws the drug.

2.   I have denied the comparisons of outlawing drugs with the outlawing of alcohol during Prohibition, a comparison that I still deny but am willing to examine more closely.

3.   Indeed, the Taliban have done nothing so drastic as to outlaw drugs, despite condemning them as anathema to the sacred teachings of Islam.

4.   Drugs are officially outlawed in the Netherlands but possession of small amounts is not prosecuted while police concentrate their detection and prosecution efforts on cracking smuggling rings.

5.   Drugs officially are outlawed in the Netherlands, but police concentrate on cracking smuggling rings so possession of small amounts is not prosecuted.

6.   Most such drugs are now outlawed.

7.   President Clinton signed legislation outlawing the drug this year.

8.   Russo, the clinical neurologist, said he hoped the drug was not outlawed.

v. + drug >>共 389
use 10.78%
take 10.37%
sell 4.55%
develop 3.42%
approve 2.71%
prescribe 2.63%
fight 2.47%
find 2.28%
smuggle 1.79%
buy 1.74%
outlaw 0.08%
outlaw + n. >>共 428
abortion 5.62%
practice 5.37%
party 4.51%
group 4.34%
discrimination 3.75%
use 2.98%
sale 1.87%
form 1.45%
money 1.19%
marriage 1.19%
drug 0.68%
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