1.   Any way you look at it, the beams miss the bullseye and hit the outer ring.

2.   The device clips to the outer ring of the drum cap, sealing the outlet.

3.   The hind legs have to Mark time while the forelegs cross over, making the outer ring of a wheel.

4.   The largest craters show, in addition to their rim walls and central peak structures, outer concentric rings of mountains.

5.   These in turn merge gradually into dark circles and bright outer rings with no evidence of impact cratering.

6.   Beyond the ministries and office buildings lies an outer ring of shacks slotted into hillsides.

7.   A national election will be held in November, and posters of smiling candidates were glued to the walls of shantytown shacks on the outer rings of cities.

8.   I see her girlhood at the center, never touching the outer rings of her adult life.

9.   Inside the outer ring of police tape, journalists stalk and interview exhausted rescue workers, and shoot picture after picture of the shattered building.

10.   Most of all, there are the sudden appearances of the horses, dark shadows racing through the darkness of the outer ring.

a. + ring >>共 713
olympic 5.25%
boxing 4.83%
smuggling 4.66%
gold 3.35%
familiar 3.26%
trafficking 2.03%
first 1.52%
international 1.31%
concentric 1.27%
silver 1.23%
outer 1.02%
outer + n. >>共 280
wall 8.53%
layer 7.97%
edge 6.98%
shell 3.88%
skin 3.53%
leaf 3.17%
limit 3.03%
world 2.05%
ring 1.69%
reach 1.62%
每页显示:    共 24