1.   Although justifiably most famous for the coast path there are plenty of other outdoor activities to enjoy in Pembrokeshire.

2.   Forthcoming events include outdoor activities in the park, a barbecue and a trip to the Open Naval Day at Rosyth.

3.   Here is a rundown on the outdoor activities available in the resort.

4.   Like most young men of his background he excelled in outdoor activities - deer-stalking, mountaineering and shooting.

5.   Rebecca has always loved hiking and other outdoor activities.

6.   The bureau has brochures highlighting outdoor activities that tourists can participate in -- activities that are well-suited for a recreational greenway.

7.   The college is well situated for students who are interested in outdoor activities.

8.   The program of outdoor activities includes skiing, climbing, and hiking.

9.   They do lots of fun outdoor activities like canoeing, hiking and camping.

10.   This chapter deals with outdoor activities within the school grounds.

a. + activity >>共 1049
economic 6.43%
political 4.94%
terrorist 3.63%
criminal 3.37%
illegal 2.67%
military 2.53%
manufacturing 1.87%
physical 1.85%
sexual 1.71%
volcanic 1.44%
outdoor 0.94%
outdoor + n. >>共 769
activity 4.58%
market 4.14%
cafe 3.08%
concert 2.24%
pool 1.93%
advertising 1.45%
sport 1.40%
recreation 1.23%
rally 1.17%
enthusiast 1.15%
每页显示:    共 163