1.   A bigger, better convention center that will replace this outdated one, which has no meeting rooms.

2.   The courses are replacing outdated ones, like typing and shorthand.

3.   I joined last year and have received only one newsletter - an outdated one at that.

4.   Many of the reserves do not have guns, or use badly outdated ones.

5.   The most outdated ones concern inheritance that left out women.

6.   The new vests will allow Garrison to replace outdated ones.

7.   He said SAGIA would focus in the coming phase on boosting foreign investments in the infrastructure and utilities sectors, which involves establishing new projects and rehabilitating outdated ones.

a. + one >>共 1064
only 8.66%
new 6.21%
loved 4.78%
first 2.82%
old 2.62%
good 2.51%
last 2.09%
big 1.77%
next 1.10%
second 1.09%
outdated 0.02%
outdated + n. >>共 307
equipment 10.73%
technology 3.44%
computer 2.89%
list 2.89%
information 2.75%
system 2.48%
law 2.06%
facility 1.79%
textbook 1.38%
method 1.38%
one 0.96%
每页显示:    共 7