1.   But no one here seemed to be holding out hopes that the meeting would bring calm soon.

2.   Glick said that with the bill being discussed among the two houses and DMV staff, she was still holding out hope for a vote on it this year.

3.   Her sponsors no doubt hold out hope that maybe she can meet Gabriela Sabatini, who is in her half of the draw.

4.   House Speaker Newt Gingrich and other Republican leaders, for their part, held out hope the House would adopt the amendment.

5.   House Speaker Newt Gingrich and other Republican leaders held out hope the House would adopt the amendment.

6.   Some administration officials, however, still hold out hope that progress may be made as Kim consolidates his position.

7.   Some Democrats held out hope that a trial in Seminole County might provide Gore the legal miracle he needs.

8.   Such foreboding notwithstanding, a handful of wireless Internet services have emerged that hold out hopes of a rewarding year ahead for their makers and consumers.

9.   The Astros were holding out hope the injury was not serious.

10.   But Kofi Annan held out hope Iraq may soften its stand if it receives a hearing from the Security Council.

a. + hope >>共 722
high 13.69%
best 8.76%
only 7.91%
new 3.82%
false 3.20%
great 2.49%
last 2.49%
real 1.60%
renewed 1.49%
faint 1.29%
out 0.47%
out + n. >>共 152
hope 8.11%
clause 5.41%
route 3.86%
call 3.47%
pattern 2.70%
way 2.70%
pitch 2.32%
batsman 1.54%
pass 1.54%
people 1.54%
每页显示:    共 21