1.   The bill would bar U.S. companies from exporting products to governmental entities in these countries considered responsible for carrying out the persecution.

2.   And they were contending the counts were so selective and unevenly carried out that they violated the Constitution.

3.   For those thrown into the sea, it is necessary to who issued and carried out the orders, he said.

4.   It is a backbreaking job, carried out one bucketful at a time.

v. + carry >>共 213
use 19.12%
license 5.35%
build 2.87%
arrive 2.68%
come 2.10%
be 1.91%
attack 1.72%
arrest 1.72%
engineer 1.53%
stop 1.34%
out 0.76%
out + v. >>共 165
get 9.21%
be 5.26%
look 3.68%
pass 3.42%
turn 2.63%
point 2.11%
go 1.84%
kick 1.84%
find 1.58%
rule 1.58%
carry 1.05%
每页显示:    共 4