1.   For a supplement expresses what can not be said in the original text.

2.   Queries can be processed even with errors in both queries and the original text.

3.   Textual criticism Textual criticism is concerned with recovering the original text of a document.

4.   The cartoon version lacks the profundity of the original text.

5.   The original text of the poem was later restored.

6.   He showed us the original text for comparison.

7.   His Englishing perhaps conveys the message My Horace, and mine alone, though he has tried to keep faith with the original text.

8.   Each volume offers the reader an original text as well as the equivalent of a miniature archival exhibition.

9.   His luminous images are accompanied by original text from Ingrid Sischy, Martin Harrison and the photographer.

10.   I got snookered on the Internet, where original texts routinely are stolen without credit.

a. + text >>共 628
full 7.46%
prepared 4.13%
final 3.19%
religious 2.72%
ancient 2.39%
sacred 2.35%
new 2.25%
original 1.78%
literary 1.74%
biblical 1.50%
original + n. >>共 1186
plan 2.84%
version 1.30%
owner 1.27%
idea 1.04%
bill 1.01%
proposal 0.94%
design 0.89%
form 0.84%
dance 0.84%
name 0.78%
text 0.31%
每页显示:    共 38