1.   After the first day of hearings of the joint intelligence committees, members of both panels described the session as noncontentious and devoted to organizational matters and procedures.

2.   Checketts will continue to have the final say on all organizational matters.

3.   He added that he would caucus with Democrats on organizational matters in the Senate.

4.   No decisions have been made by Gerstein or Aufzien, who have final say on organizational matters.

5.   A Pentagon statement said the Fifth Fleet plan was a purely organizational matter.

6.   The first days of the talks have been devoted to organizational matters.

7.   The meeting was expected to be devoted to organizational matters like timetables and restatement of existing views, rather than any new proposals.

8.   Other agenda items included hearing reports on cabinet activities over the past year, a new land planning bill and organizational matters.

a. + matter >>共 981
different 4.49%
practical 4.10%
simple 2.96%
internal 2.95%
organic 2.92%
personal 2.48%
private 2.23%
legal 2.13%
serious 2.01%
laughing 1.98%
organizational 0.12%
organizational + n. >>共 330
structure 8.06%
skill 7.23%
problem 6.28%
change 5.03%
meeting 4.08%
chart 2.72%
behavior 2.41%
support 1.57%
issue 1.26%
strength 1.15%
matter 0.84%
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