1.   Besides spreading insane rumors, Internet sites can run with political stories that professional news organizations would not publish until they are confirmed by multiple sources.

2.   A news organization publishes a story, then gets a comment from someone who had declined to speak before and files an updated story, he said.

3.   Fewer news organizations publish updates on them.

4.   His organization publishes a weekly newspaper here, has an active Internet site and produces a weekly television show that is beamed into Turkey.

5.   His organization publishes a weekly newspaper here, has an active Web site and produces a weekly television show that is beamed into Turkey.

6.   In fact, news organizations often publish or broadcast stories made possible by thefts.

7.   One Boston-based humanitarian organization recently published a study blaming the economic policies of the U.S. government for the famine.

8.   Several news organizations published transcripts of the conversations.

9.   Some service organizations publish a list itemizing their pricing procedures.

10.   The organization publishes a newsletter carrying the home addresses and phone numbers of prominent English-speakers.

n. + publish >>共 385
newspaper 22.18%
magazine 5.80%
paper 5.21%
company 4.47%
government 3.94%
group 2.82%
report 2.13%
poll 1.49%
journal 1.38%
study 1.17%
organization 0.90%
organization + v. >>共 1005
be 11.66%
say 6.77%
have 5.44%
take 1.27%
try 1.26%
call 1.22%
do 1.09%
work 1.01%
claim 1.00%
plan 0.98%
publish 0.21%
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