1.   Different organizations operated from different political standpoints, from within different boundaries and on different time-scales.

2.   Some organizations operate different cultures in different departments.

3.   Altogether the organization operates about eighty centres ministering to the needs of India spoor.

4.   The organization operates a recycling program.

5.   And both of those moves have a good chance of being botched with the way this organization operates.

6.   Bauer consults regularly with Dobson, and their organizations operated together for several years.

7.   Both organizations operate in more than two dozen countries.

8.   Both polling organizations operated a quota system.

9.   - The organization operates efficiently.

10.   A majority of the Wassenaar members supported the United States, but the organization operates by consensus and there were objections.

n. + operate >>共 1111
company 10.13%
group 3.08%
system 1.91%
bank 1.82%
airline 1.73%
business 1.53%
government 1.51%
force 1.37%
rebel 1.35%
doctor 1.28%
organization 0.99%
organization + v. >>共 1005
be 11.66%
say 6.77%
have 5.44%
take 1.27%
try 1.26%
call 1.22%
do 1.09%
work 1.01%
claim 1.00%
plan 0.98%
operate 0.67%
每页显示:    共 55